Sunday, 26 July 2009

Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner!

Whilst looking through some publications for potential venues for our groups, Andy came across a review for a Dallas pub called the Londoner that made him laugh out loud, "Complete with brick walls, plank floors, some frothy pints and a dartboard, the Londoner is the real deal. This authentic English pub has a menu that features Classic Fish and Chips, Shepherd's Pie and Chicken Tikka Masala.....check out Bloodsport Trivia every Monday". That's the location for our next meal out sorted then! I wonder if we'll get a discount as Andy is the "real deal" (born in London!)?!

Some potential venues got back in touch - YMCA, gymnastics center, Ice Hockey rink, a few churches - should be sorted tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to go in your Pearly King and Queen outfits, do the Lambeth Walk and ask for jellied eels! That'll show 'em!
