Monday 3 August 2009

OMG - venues are sorted!!

I viewed a church this morning that is perfect for a Monday evening group. It's right in the middle of a MASSIVE area of housing - yipee! And I think that the room could seat about 200 members! Managed to negotiate the rent for the whole evening, which we've found we've been able to do with all of our venues. Much better that way because when we go double / triple session - no rent increase!!! We're also booking our venues October/November & January for the other evenings that they have available, as we know that we'll need to operate more than one group out of each venue to fulfil our growth potential, and of course having our venues booked in advance will make our Consultant recruitment much easier and stronger.

Carol and I visited our Tuesday and Thursday pm group venues today and practised our group layout so that we could best place the chairs, tables and visuals. Thank goodness we did, as we couldn't get the layout that we wanted in the room that we had booked for my Thursday night group, so we've booked a bigger room (for the same rent of course!).

We also went shopping for some more bits and pieces for our groups - baskets to put low syn / free food packaging in, ribbons for our Slimmer of the Week basket (yes, really!) etc.

Carol was contacted today to sign customs forms for the marketing materials that are being delivered to her house. They are arriving in the country tomorrow, but need to clear customs before we get them, which we have been told will be Friday (3 days after we had thought). Our four week promotional period is turning into a two and a bit week promotion (I just hope we can get all of our door hangers out in time!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow how exciting, its all go for you guys. Look forward to hearing all about it. Take care alex xxx
